Monday, 20 January 2020

If Bill Paying Can Be Made Fun, doxo Will Manage to Make it So

As of now, doxo can point to millions of users and they can rightfully claim it has changed the way those millions pay their bills. Recently, doxo worked to expand its entire operation, to make sure their customers know they are intent on preventing scams. They have doubled their customer base, sure, but they have also expanded their customer service and support capability. At the same time, they are constantly expanding their partnerships with major companies like AT&T, whose 100 million customers can receive their bills and pay them through doxo. Their list of service providers runs the gamut, and includes industries such as utilities, finance, telecom, banking and insurance, among many other sectors.

The doxo system is the first crowd-sourced, consumer-centered bill paying solution. It means those millions of people can take full control of how they pay their bills, whether they do so via credit or debit card, direct transfer from a checking account or anything else that's viable. They can also use a computer at home or they can use a phone or a tablet on the road.

The doxo executives who set this up did so to address a segment of the economy that represents approximately half of all household spending. The act of managing and paying all the bills in a typical household is one of the most frustrating and confounding tasks every family has to face and doxo has addressed all of the complaints. On average, households pay at least 10 or more bills every month and many of them juggle several online accounts, the occasional creditor that won't take a credit card and a number of websites that won't work with a mobile phone or tablet.